Sunday, October 14, 2012

faith and timing

Heavenly Father has taught me this principle time and time again. 
Every time I try to make a "plan" for my life, or even for the next month,
God gently laughs, says "that's a nice thought, but here's what we are really going to do"
But this time I am really learning it the hard way.
And I really being forced to rely on him and trust Him.
which is one of the coolest and hardest experiences of my life.
It's really doesn't sound like a big deal but to me it is.
I have to learn to trust God completely with my whole heart in the small things, so one day when bigger things come I can trust him completely with my whole heart in those things to. 
Ever since the announcement of the mission age change, really 
I have felt that I need to go on a mission as soon as possible. 
 I have met with the Bishop and finished my papers today.
Put my availability as December 26th. 
I finished everything and it is set to go. 
1 week. 
But turns our our Stake President is out of town for 3 weeks.
In the grand scheme of things, 3 more weeks is not a significant amount of time.
For the next three weeks though, it will be a greatly significant amount of time. 
Sometimes (okay pretty much all of the time) our will is not His.
Our thoughts are not His. 
And I am ok with that. 
Because His plan is always much better than anything I could imagine for myself. 

Please bless that I will maintain my sanity in the next few weeks. 

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