We may or may not have ended up having lightsaber battles and playing on the roof of King Henry. Maybe.
Going to 7 Peaks with these kids! So fun! They are adorable.
So I have to tell you a story. Once upon a time the first night we moved into our apartment Natalie hadn't unpacked her bed yet. So she just slept in my bed. 2 am rolls around and she wakes me up freaking out thinking she heard a noise downstairs and there is a burglar in our apartment and we are going to die. I am a little groggy.. but I look around for something to grab. The only thing I found was a wooden sign that says "dance" and my phone. I had 911 dialed in my phone, Natalie grabbed a textbook and a whistle. Then we creep down the stairs slowly, burglar hunting. Ready to take him down. Turns out there was nothing. The walls are thin and when our neighbors shut their downstairs door and go up the stairs, it sounds like ours. Pretty funny though. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened when someone was there : )
Good to be back in Provo!
The house is a mess with us moving in but as soon as we have decorated and unpacked, I'll do a post with pics of the house