Saturday, April 28, 2012

The day I attempted Grand Theft Auto

Yesterday I was coming out of Wal-Mart. 
I pulled up the key to unlock the van, 
and the key didn't unlock the van. 
It wouldn't budge. 
I thought that was weird. 
So I kept trying and trying and it wasn't working. 
Frustrated, I called Dad. 
He said he thought it might be a wiring problem, 
he said to try to unlock the back, 
try the passenger side. 
I did. 
Like 3 times. 
It was cold, so I decided to walk over to Barnes and Noble to wait until my Dad could come get me. 
As I was walking... I noticed something strange. 
There was a van two cars down that had my license plate number.

Wait a second.......

Yes I had spent 15 minutes trying to unlock a strangers car. NBD.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

20 Years say whaaaaaaat

It is true, I turned 20 this week! Holy cow. Who said I could be an adult? I still feel lie that shy little girl on her first day of first grade in Canada, that awkward girl at the dance in middle school, that FCCLA officer from High School. Life passes incredibly fast and it is so important to love and experience every moment.

Here's to my next 20 years! Who knows what they will bring

Happy Birthday Pops!

Dad, Grandpa, Pops, Poppa..
I can't believe your.. how old again?!
Now a Grandpa but still adventurous.
And can still wrestle anyone to the ground.
Thank you for the many years of Saturday morning pancakes,
Singing silly songs, (you know the ridiculous DnC one)
driving lessons,
life lessons (mostly just by your example)
the funny farm stories from your childhood,
pretending to still know Dutch ( I know you just use that one phrase over and over :)
being supportive of my dreams,
and always being there.
I couldn't have asked for a better father.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Done with Finals.

Just finished my last final. 

Like a kid in a candy store. 


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The day I almost got Kidnapped

Today I was walking out of my complex up to work.
It was rainy and cold and I didn't have an umbrella.
A nice guy stopped and asked if I was going to campus, and if I needed a ride.
My thought process...

1. It's FREEZING and I am going to be soaked by the time I would have walked to campus
2. I need to get to work
3. I could be kidnapped
4. Nah.................. he looks nice. 

"Sure" I said.

He turned out to be very nice and it was fine. Thankfully. And I got to work on time, and dry.
But looking back... it was probably a dumb idea. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Love/Hate Relationship with Change

This Sunday is my last Sunday in King Henry, 
with my roommates, 
last week of the semester, 
last Sunday in Provo for a long while. 
Finals will be done hopefully on Wednesday,
and I leave for Uganda in 22 days. 
This has been a great semester. 
I have grown so much in many ways and made lifelong friends.  

Lots of change going on in my life. 

I hate change, but I love it at the same time.
I hate going through it, but I love when I can look back and see how I grew from it.

All of us experience change in our lives, ironically it is the one constant in our lives. 
There is change that we look forward to and change that we fear. 
However, one thing is for sure. 
Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too.
When change occurs, we have two choices. 
We can be sad that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, 
or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents. 
I choose the second option. 

Change hurts when you go through it, but looking back you see how Heavenly Father always knows exactly what he is doing when he puts changes in our lives. 
So here's to a bright future of change and exciting possibilities! 

*******Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened************

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Please just watch this.

Please just watch this and be amazed and pee your pants laughing.

K thanks.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I really love Easter.
I love the fact that the whole holiday is celebrating the atonement of Christ.
I am so grateful and I stand all amazed at my Savior's atoning sacrifice for me. 
I know that he lived.
I know that he died.
I know that he lives again.
And because he does, we will too.

"He is risen! He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice.
He has burst his three days’ prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
Death is conquered; man is free.
Christ has won the victory"

Happy Easter.

Easter Egg Hunts at my house

Pretty Intense.


My Favorite Music Lately

Mindy Gledhill

Matt Costa 

Neon Trees 

Imagine Dragons 

One Direction 

Ok Go

Lily Allen